What is interim Maintenance for Child in a Divorce Case?

1. This is an interim relief, and not final.

2. While divorce petition is in pending and progress, the child staying with a parent with no financial support can file a maintenance petition, to sustain comfortable childhood, without being deprived of comfortable childhood.

3. This maintenance should be adequate and sufficient for child to get quality education in school or college and support for essentials.

4. Health of child will also be considered, while deciding the quantum of maintenance.

5. This amount will be to fulfil the education and basic necessities for the time being.

Applicable laws for Interim Maintenance of child in India:

The applicable sections for seeking a Interim Maintenance for child under various laws are as follows;

1. Section 24 and 25 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.

2. Section 36 and 37 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954.

3. Section 36 and 37 of the Divorce Act, 1869.

4. Section 39 and 40 of Parsi Marriage Act 1936.

Also, if you are interested, go through these sections

Grounds for divorce

Divorce Jurisdiction

Divorce Documents Checklist

Application for child custody

Custody of child during divorce