How to get divorce via power of attorney in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

As a top divorce lawyer in Bangalore, Karnataka, India, I understand the complexities and challenges individuals face when seeking a divorce.  In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the legal option of obtaining a divorce via power of attorney in the family courts of Bangalore. In this detailed article we aim to provide a solid foundation by explaining the intricacies of divorce via power of attorney.

Divorce via power of attorney allows individuals who are unable to be physically present in court to designate a trusted representative to act on their behalf.

There are conditions applicable, they are,

  1. There should be sufficient cause to show the inability to appear as a party to attend divorce proceedings, this could be due to presence in foreign country or extra-ordinary circumstances for which the party may not be able to appear for proceedings.
  2. This could be due to presence in foreign country or  Extra-ordinary circumstances for which the party may not be able to appear for proceedings.
  3. There are two parties involved one who is giving power of attorney and the one who can act on behalf, after getting Power of Attorney.
  4. Availability of the person who is receiving power of attorney to attend legal proceedings diligently is highly important.
  5. The person receiving power of attorney will act as a legal representative for the divorcee, making decisions and advocating on their behalf. Their responsibilities may include attending court hearings, submitting documents, and presenting evidence.
  6. Both of them should be legally competent, i.e., above 18 years of age, mentally competent, and such person who is not acting under the influence of coerce, undue influence, or any family pressure.
  7. The person who is representing the principal must be AWARE OF ALL FACTS OF THE CASE.
  8. If and when required, the person who gave Power of Attorney, must appear before concerned judge virtually (through Zoom Calls), if unable to appear physically.

This legal mechanism is recognized and accepted in the family courts of Bangalore, ensuring a viable solution for those facing geographical constraints or other circumstances preventing their direct involvement.  We will outline the eligibility criteria and necessary requirements for pursuing a divorce through this approach. Understanding these factors is essential for individuals to determine if divorce via power of attorney aligns with their unique situation.  The reason for giving Power of Attorney to other person to appear in a divorce proceeding should be convincing to the satisfaction of the Hon’ble Court.  High Court of Karnataka has allowed divorce by Power of Attorney.  

We will now delve into the preparatory steps, procedural considerations, legal implications, and potential challenges associated with obtaining a divorce via power of attorney in the family courts of Bangalore, Karnataka, India.  Gathering all relevant documentation is another essential step in the preparation phase. This includes obtaining marriage certificates, financial records, and any evidence supporting the grounds for divorce.  Please click here to know complete list of divorce documents needed to file a divorce case.   

In divorce cases via power of attorney, proper preparation and execution of the power of attorney document are essential. The first step is to understand the different types of power of attorney available for divorce cases. We will discuss general power of attorney versus specific power of attorney and their respective implications in divorce proceedings. Selecting the most appropriate type of power of attorney is crucial to effectively represent the interests of the divorcee. The Power of Attorney agreement for a divorce case in India must include contents specifying the scope of authority granted to the Power of Attorney holder, outlining their responsibilities, and ensuring clarity regarding decision-making powers.  Proper execution of the power of attorney document is equally important. Clear communication and collaboration between the divorcee and the Power of Attorney for divorce holder are essential for a successful representation. Regular updates, consultations, and thorough understanding of the divorcee’s wishes help the person who received Power of Attorney to make informed decisions in court.

Initiating the divorce process requires careful consideration and adherence to specific procedures. One of the initial steps is filing a petition through power of attorney. This petition serves as a formal request to the court to initiate the divorce proceedings. Understanding the nuances of preparing and filing this petition is crucial to ensure its acceptance and progress in the family courts.  Jurisdiction and venue considerations play a vital role in determining where the divorce case should be filed. Serving notice to the respondent is another step after filing a divorce case by a Power of Attorney, the role of the person who receives Power of Attorney must be present in court appearances, presentation of evidence and arguments, all of which are pivotal aspects of the divorce initiation phase.

Presenting evidence and arguments is another critical phase in family court proceedings. We will provide insights into the process of presenting evidence, the types of evidence that are admissible, and presenting evidence in the court. After conduct of trial, the court will grant decree of divorce upon its discretion. The divorce decree has various legal implications. It addresses crucial matters such as the division of assets and liabilities, child custody and support, and alimony or maintenance. We will provide insights into the implications of the divorce decree in each of these areas, helping individuals understand their rights and obligations post-divorce.

Enforcing the divorce decree is another significant aspect we will address. We will discuss the mechanisms available to ensure compliance with the terms outlined in the decree, particularly in cases where one party fails to adhere to the stipulated agreements.  After obtaining a divorce via power of attorney, certain considerations and responsibilities arise. Post-divorce, it is essential to consider any modifications or enforcement of the divorce decree. We will discuss the circumstances that may warrant modifications, such as changes in financial situations or custody arrangements. Post-divorce phase may involve emotional challenges. We will provide guidance on coping strategies, seeking support networks, and prioritizing self-care. Recognizing the importance of emotional well-being during this transitional period is crucial for moving forward positively.

Recognition and enforcement of divorce via power of attorney in foreign jurisdictions may pose another challenge.  This involves little bit of an effort to file petitions equivalent to Execution Petition in India in relevant courts in foreign countries as per their respective law.