Reading Time:  1 Minute

(Please refer various sections under maintenance for in-depth information)

  1. Along with the divorce petition, an application for maintenance cane be filed, if not a separate petition for maintenance can be filed in the jurisdictional family court
  2. It will be considered as an interlocutory application, if it is filed along with the divorce petition
  3. The orders passed will be interim in nature
  4. In this application, the spouse seeking maintenance should state their financial difficulty, house rent, monthly expenses for day-to-day necessities, school or college fees for child, any health related expenses, should be clearly mentioned
  5. Courts will take a call on how much to give and the interval, like monthly or lumpsum, etc.,
  6. If there are any dues, skipped payments, arrears, then they will have to be paid in addition to the payments of the succeeding months.
  7. It is advisable to maintain a dairy of accounts by the spouse receiving maintenance with proper accounts to claim any missed payments